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We decided to share some special moments with you guys, trying to make you laugh, have some fun and comment on our posts and be part of our life story! Feel free to make any suggestion and do not forget to follow us!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

School day and a new family member!

Hey guys!

So, lately we`ve been quite busy, at work and at home.
I told when Rebecca went to school for the first time, but a couple weeks ago she had a Literary and Artistic Event, and we went there to see the Army`s Band and her "works". I don't need to tell you that we were silly in front of those scribbles Pieces of Art!

She made a Rooster from the print of her hand!
And today she had a Party, cause tomorrow here in Brazil is Children's Day! So She had to go to school dressed in a costume and take a snack that she and her friends would share. She enjoys school, but I can't name one day that she stayed there without crying! But I know she likes it, cause later she has fun and get along with her friends (now she is here playing with her little sink she got from us and singing a song that she invented that she says her little friend's name: Fernandaaa! Fernandaaa!). We just get so happy to see she can sing entire songs and count until ten!

So here's a picture of her dressed as a doll!

We also had Sarah's presentation at church!
Sarah is now four months old and absolutely beautiful! She laughs and makes the sweet little baby sounds, and she adores her sister!

People say she looks like me, I don't know... LOL

I'm so happy. We have a beautiful family and friends, we are going through some hard times, but Jesus is our strength, so we have no worries.

And now, to rap this up, this is the new family member

Can you guess his name?
Yes, we have no creativity, but actually Rebecca chose the name so decided to stick to it. So this is Marley!
He looooves Rebecca and Sarah, he just can't stand to see Sarah crying he wants to comfort her, so funny!

Welcome to family, Marley!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

What? Where? Who... me?

Hello everybody!
Sorry we've been away for so long, but life is so unexpected and we had some trouble that made us sad and we didn't want to blog our sad humor... But here we are again!

With so much to share!
Today is Thomas' Birthday!
I'm crazy about B-days. Ask anyone who knows me, I count down the days to my B-day and I make everybody around me crazy.
But I Loooove birthdays.

So Happy Birthday, my darling!

I love you so much, thank you for everything.

Now, every February you'll be my valentine.
Just for the record...
yesterday I said: Rebecca, tomorrow is daddy's Birthday! We are going to sing "Happy Birthday" to him!

She: And to Rebecca????


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In Portuguese?

Hello everybody!
I was not gonna announce this until everything was ready, but I'm letting u know in advance so you don't think I'm lazy and don't post any more things here because I don't want to. (ooooooh no!)

We are putting together a new version of the 4 of Us.

I don't know if you guys know, but we own an English School in Brazil, and we have a lot of beloved friends abroad, so that's why we write in English on our blog. And if you don't understand, how about learning the language?

But we've been having some complaints from people who can't understand our blog, that's why I present you the 4 of Us in Portuguese!
It's juts the same blog as this one, I'm working on translating the old posts there so it's not updated yet, but it'll be soon.
Check it out and please, if you come here a lot, be our follower and leave a comment with your opinion and/or suggestion.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Beautiful Sarah

I already said I`m obsessed with my daughters.

But tell, wouldn`t you be, if you had such gorgeous kid like mine? LOL

I Love them so much!