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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Almost there...

So, in the last few days I`ve been terribly busy, resting, as the doctor ordered.

And it may sound awesome, but it isn`t cause I can`t be alone, in case I start losing blood again, or my water brokes or my contractions become stronger... Yes, just so you know I lost blood, a good quantity, and I`m having contractions! But we need to wait until next week for Sarah to be born, cause she`ll be more ready then. I wish she could be born 3 days ago when I got the first symptoms.

But that`s ok. I did everything I needed to do when I realized she was coming! I changed the crib to my room, I set up Sarah`s bag (and Rebecca`s, cause she needs to stay with the grammas during the day), I finished Sarah`s frame to take to the hospital and cleaned the house so Thomas and Rebecca could just have fun....
But I didn`t go to the hospital... Actually I did, but they sent me home. Now, here I`m, alone (but with the phone on hand, just in case), while Thomas` working and Rebecca`s at her Granny`s (cause I can`t do any kind of effort), trying to hold Sarah until Monday, at least, cause that`s when my Doctor`s back to town!

Just imagine trying to sleep and waking up every 20 to 15 minutes feeling terrible cramps. Yes, that`s my life in the last days!
Back thank God, He`s taking care of me and my babies, and He knows everything so I trust in Him.

Rebecca had a lot of fun in Sarah`s crib!


  1. I cant wait to see lil Sarah!!! God is in control so i know everything will b okay with u and Sarah!!! God bless, and i hope u will come to lunch tomorrow :) xoxo
