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We decided to share some special moments with you guys, trying to make you laugh, have some fun and comment on our posts and be part of our life story! Feel free to make any suggestion and do not forget to follow us!

Monday, June 20, 2011

To sum up....

Hi guys!
So the last day Thomas was away was hard! I got sick! Really sick, fever, headache, sore body, cold, cold cold. My mom said it was because I`m irresponsible and don`t take care of myself now that I`m recovering from Sarah`s birth. Anywho, I drank a lot of hot tea, a lot of pain killers and rested, and I got better. Right after Thomas arrived I started to get better, so probably I just missed him a lot!

We got so many gifts from the Americans (THANK YOU SO MUCH!), and he had so many things to tell me so we slept at 4 or 5am... so during the weekend we were pretty tired, but the good thing is I`m in a good mood again, so happy! Last night we built a tent in the play room to play with Rebecca and eat some american candies!
This shirt is a gift Sarah got!

Rebecca loved the chocolates!

Rebecca`s tent!

And today, Monday, we had a very nice day! We took the children to McDonald`s, we played a lot with Rebecca, Sarah got better from her colic, I baked a cake (So good and this one is beautiful!).

But then we got some bad news. I can`t really tell u what it is, but let me ask you all, remember about our relatives during your prayers, if you have some time, please pray for them. Thomas had to travel in a rush tonight to try to solve some of this problem, so please pray for his trip and for the person he`s going to help.

God knows.

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